Need legal help wit your Digital Nomad Visa in Spain ?

Spain Telework Permit or Digital Nomad Visa: what is the diference?

Mar 3, 2023

Spain’s new Startups Law introduces a residency permit for remote workers to legally live in Spain, known as the Digital Nomad Visa.

However, it is important to clarify that the term “Digital Nomad Visa” is ambiguous and refers to two different legal concepts: a visa for digital nomads to enter the country legally and a residence permit for teleworkers. This article aims to disambiguate the digital nomad visa and explain the difference between the visa and the permit.

The Visa for digital nomads

  • To legally enter Spain when it’s not possible as a tourist, the visa can be requested at the Spanish consulate in the applicant’s country of origin.
  • The visa lasts for one year, which is shorter than the three-year duration of the telework permit.
  • The applicant must visit the Spanish consulate in person, as only specific exceptions allow for representative applications.
  • Once the visa holder is in Spain, they can exchange it for a telework permit that lasts for three years, which can be extended up to five.

The Spain telework permit

  • On the other hand, the telework permit is requested from within Spain by entering the country with a tourist visa that allows for a 90-day stay.
  • During this period, applicants must submit a residence permit application for remote workers as soon as possible.
  • The applicant does not need to appear in person at the consulate, and a representative can submit the application.
  • Once granted, the residence permit allows for legal residence in Spain for three years, which can be extended up to five years and counts towards obtaining citizenship.

It is recommended that applicants request a telework permit whenever possible, instead of the visa. This way, the applicant deals directly with the competent administration, avoiding consulate intermediation, resulting in a longer residence permit and avoiding procedures that cost time and money.

If you’re interested in living and working remotely in Spain, applying for a telework permit is an excellent option. With this permit, you can legally reside in Spain for an extended period and enjoy all the country has to offer. Don’t hesitate to start the process and take advantage of this new law. Remember, a telework permit is the way to go for a more efficient and long-lasting process!

Image attribution: Spain telework permit by David L Espia Rincon