Digital nomad visa in spain

The first specialist in Digital Nomad Visas in Spain, with extensive experience processing them since their approval in 2023.

Forget about the hassle of dealing with the Spanish administrations and let us do all that time-consuming paperwork for you.

Benefits for digital nomad visa holders

Legal Residence in Spain

Initial 1 or 3 year permit, extendable up to 5 years and counts towards nationality.

Spouses & Kids Can Join

Succesfull aplicants can bring their family with them to reside in Spain.

Move Freely Throughout the EU

Spanish residents can travel freely throughout all EU countries.

Tax Advantages

Digital nomads may benefit from a favorable tax treatment known as the “Beckham law”.


Self-chek if you qualify as "digital nomad"

Before contacting us or hiring our services, take some time to self-assess your eligibility for the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa. You have to meet all the requirements listed below and be able to prove them.

Who is it for ?

To opt for the visa you should meet all these requirements:

You are a non-Eu citizen.


You are a remote worker employed by a non-Spanish firm or a freelancer with international clients.


You can document sufficient financial resources to support yourself and your family during your period of residence.


You can certify that you have no criminal records.


You are qualified to work in your field, as evidenced by a university degree or work experience.


You are currently in Spain with a tourist visa or you can enter the country as a tourist when necessary.

If you get all six right, we can help you obtain your Digital Nomad Visa. Any questions before scheduling a consultation?



Fast Eligibility Check

  • Analysis of specific case details.
  • Thorough review of legal requirements to determine compliance.
  • If requirements are met, determination of the appropriate application type as a freelancer or employee.

Visa Processing

  • In-depth document review and personalized legal guidance throughout.
  • Custom road map for mandatory documents adapted to your specific case.
  • Tailored drafts for the required letters and statements.
  • Coordinating with certified translators, offering cost estimates.
  • Application filing, submission and monitoring.
  • Payment split 60/40% upon case start and resolution

Registration for the Special Tax Regime for Digital Nomads:

  • This is an optional process.
  • Available only to certain successful applicants of the Digital Nomad Visa within six months of its approval.
  • When elegible, we can apply for the change in tax regime.

Additional costs to consider

Please consider these expenses that you may have to pay in advance depending on your situation:

Visa Application Fee

Administrative fee of 73,26 euros not refundable, regardless of whether the visa is approved or denied.

Translation and Legalization

Official documents need legalization with an apostille. All documents must be translated by a certified translator.

Health Insurance Valid in Spain

A public or private health insurance that covers you during your resindence in Spain  is mandatory in some cases.




We are Nefer and Carlos, two lawyers based in Barcelona specialized in processing visas for digital nomads since they were approved in early 2023.



Quote Icon

“Warm weather and tempting cuisine are just two of the draws in a country where daily living often costs less than other parts of Western Europe. The cost of living in Spain is, on average, 20% cheaper than in the United Kingdom”

CNBC 19/02/2023

“Spain’s visa was teased back in January 2022, when Economic Affairs Minister Nadia Calviño said the country was hoping to “attract and retain international and national talents by helping remote workers and digital nomads set up in Spain.”

EuroNews 24/02/2023

“Britons to be offered huge tax breaks to work from home in Spain. New visa programme to allow people working for UK companies while living in Spain to pay almost half as much tax as Spaniards”

The Telegraph 02/12/2022

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the new Spanish Digital Nomad Visa ?

The new Digital Nomad Visa has smoothened the conditions for non-EU remote workers and freelancers to legally reside in Spain. This visa category was introduced in the Startups Law, which has been in effect since 2023, and complements another previous law: the Entrepreneur’s Law of 2013, which facilitates the launching of new businesses and projects in Spain. 


Is it a visa or a residence permit ? What is the diference ?

The term “Digital Nomad Visa” is in fact a catch-all phrase that is commonly used ambiguously to refer to two very different legal figures: the digital nomad visa and the residence permit for teleworkers. 

The difference is that the visa is requested in the applicant’s country of origin by going in person to the consulate, while the permit is requested when the interested party is in Spain as a tourist. The visa allows for a one-year residency, while the permit allows for three years. Additionally, the permit can be submitted on behalf of the applicant by a visa specialist such as ourselves, who can be appointed as a representative.

Whenever possible, it’s preferable to obtain the residence permit, which has more advantages and saves you time and effort.

Do I need to be in Spain to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa ?

No, it can also be requested from the country of origin by going to the corresponding Spanish consulate. In this case, the visa obtained has a shorter duration (one year, compared to the three years for those who apply while in Spain as tourists).

Consulates take time to respond and often have their own interpretation of the requirements. Furthermore, before a year passes, the holder of a visa obtained at a consulate will have to re-submit all the documentation if they want to extend their residence to a 3+2 year authorization. Therefore, it is preferable to initiate the process while already in the country and deal directly with the competent administration without the consulate’s intervention.

Nevertheless, if you need help preparing the legal documentation from your country, contact us to request this service, although we will not be able to go to the consulate for you.

How long should I wait for a resolution to my application ?

In 20 working days, you should have a response. The visa process has been designed to provide a quick response compared to the usual benchmarks in the Spanish administration. Silence is interpreted in your favor, and if there is no response within that time, the visa is considered granted.

As a freelancer, can I do business with Spanish clients ?

Yes, but with a limit. This visa allows you to have clients in Spain, as long as the total income generated with them does not exceed 20% of the total income earned.

Can I apply as an employee?

Currently, the competent authorities have a very strict interpretation of the social security requirement for employees. Social security certificates issued by authorities in the home country to continue paying contributions in that country are not being accepted in most cases.

The alternative is for the employer to contribute to social security in Spain for the remote worker. This requires significant involvement from the employer, who needs to appoint a representative in Spain for social security matters.

We can handle this procedure for an additional fee.

Who we are ?

Welcome to our legal team in Barcelona! We’re a duo of legal experts that are passionate about helping people and businesses navigate the complexities of the legal system. Nefer is a qualified lawyer with years of experience advising both SMEs and individuals, while Carlos is a law graduate with a postgraduate degree in business law. Together, we bring a wealth of expertise in tax, real estate, accounting, and administrative matters to provide comprehensive management services to national and international businesses and individuals alike.

Our focus is on helping non-EU clients obtain residence visas, making it easier for you to legally reside in Spain. We know that the legal process can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help guide you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on being approachable and friendly, so if you have a legal question or need assistance with your visa, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

How does our service work, explained step by step ?
  1. Advance payment is required to carry out a preliminary study of the case by email. Potential applicants can order a consultation in this website or contact us to recive a link for the consultation order. 
  2. Once the payment is received, the preliminary study is conducted by exchanging questionnaires and responses until we can get a better understanding of the relevant circumstances of the case.
  3. Based on the information gathered, we will provide a determination of eligibility, indicating whether the applicant is suitable or unsuitable for obtaining the visa.
  4. Payment of 60% of the visa procesing fee euros to initiate the procedure. The client decides whether to proceed based on the possibilities of their file that we have communicated to them.
  5. Visa processing service: This is the point where will begin to receive documents from the client for review. We will work together to create a roadmap of documents that need to be prepared to convincingly demonstrate a telecommuting situation. We will submit the dossier to the competent authorities, monitor the case and make any necessary amendments if requested by the authorities and, finally, we will communicate the decision on the visa application to the client.
  6. Final payment of the remaining 40% when the visa has been successfully resolved.
  7. Registration under the special tax regime for digital nomads is an optional process available only to certain successful applicants of the Digital Nomad Visa within six months of its approval .

Hire our Services



  1. david webber

    Hello .
    If I apply for DNV in the UK , will it be for 1 year. but then I can apply to extend 3+2 , so a total of 6 years .
    If I apply in Spain its 3+2 = 5 years so 1 year shorter .

    I own 70% of my company , so I believe that is a problem as its a max of 20%. is there a way around this ?

    • Carlos

      Hello David,
      The procedure for residency authorization as remote worker when applying from Spain is particularly efficient compared to other residence visas. When applying from consulates, you depend on their responsiveness, and sometimes procedures can be slowed down. Also, you will have to submit a double application with all the required documents within a year to transition to the 3-year authorization.

      You are correct about the 1+3 year residency granted when applying from a consulate. However, there isn’t a significant difference in the total number of years obtained when applying via consulates versus applying directly in Spain. With the residency authorization obtained in Spain, if conditions are met, you can renew residency for periods of 2 years. There is no real advantage in terms of total residency if you apply from a consulate.

      There is also no such rule about a 20% maximum ownership of your company to obtain residency (you may be referring to a requirement to access certain tax advantages). Depending on where you read the info about requirements, it can be confusing. For a quick check of the requirements, you can order a consultation service from this site. Regards.

  2. mike

    I have a holiday home in Spain and want to apply for a Digital Nomad Visa when i am next in Spain as I tick all the boxs to apply. I only plan on working for a further 12 months and want to know if it will be easy to transfer from Digital Nomad Visa to NLV after 12 months as i will retire in Spain with my wife.
    Is it easy to apply when i am in spain with DNV to NLV ?

    • Nefer

      Hello Mike,

      Each of the visas you’re talking about is different and needs specific documentation for different situations. The Digital Nomad Visa is for remote workers who can show they earn income from their work, while the non-profit visa is for retirees or those proving they have enough funds not to need a job. So, you can’t renew a teleworker authorization as non-profit, and you’ll have to apply for a Non-Lucrative Visa (NLV) at the Spanish consulate in your home country in person (although we can assist you with the paperwork if needed).

      Getting residence authorization for remote worker is quicker, and we can handle the application for you directly in Spain, assisting with the paperwork and keeping track of it. If you’re interested in checking whether you meet all the requirements, feel free to contact us. We’d be happy to help.

  3. Jane Lowe

    My parents live in Spain and have full residency and pay tax in Spain. I want to be able to visit them and remotely work from time to time – probably up to a week at a time and a few times a year. With Brexit, it seems I need to get a work permit to even to do – is it the DNV that I need? I’m already in the process of getting an NIE number. How much do you services cost?

    • Carlos

      Hello Jane,
      The digital nomad visa doesn’t seem to be the most suitable option for the situation you describe. Once granted, it is expected that the remote worker resides legally in Spain for at least 6 months a year and contributes to social security and taxes in this country. In reality, the name by which this residence authorization has become popular is somewhat misleading, as the situation is not truly nomadic. However, it is a great opportunity to obtain a legal long-term residence (initially 3 years + two-year renewals). This is offered to professionals who can work remotely and wish to live in a Schengen country where you can travel freely.

      For a few sporadic weeks a year visiting your family, it’s probably more suitable to travel as a tourist, planning in advance and using a Schengen Days calculator to avoid exceeding the maximum of 90 days in 6 months, which seems sufficient for your needs. If the country ends up enticing you enough to establish your residence, feel free to reach out to us, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

  4. deanna lee

    hello, my longterm goal is to have a house and residency in spain (mallorca). i plan to put a down payment down with help of a mortgage in the next couple years. I am from canada but currently am working remotely on yachts for the past 4 years and have spent abundant time in spain, with au pairing a year in mallorca.
    now i want to get the 3 year digital nomads visa in hopes to renew it for 2 more years after, whilst buying the place in mallorca…
    is this possible?? can you help me?

    • Nefer

      Hello Deanna,
      The digital nomad visa is a residence permit for international telecommuting where telecommuting is legally defined in a specific manner. It is an activity that can be carried out in Spain for a company from another country through computerized means.
      If that is your case, it will be a matter of documenting that remote work in the appropriate manner. We can help you with that.

  5. Emrah

    We are a family of four, US citizens.
    I would like to apply for DNV, and move my family to Spain .

    How long does it take to get the visa if we were to apply in Spain?
    Can we get all the documentation we need from the US consulate in Spain?

    • Nefer

      Dear Emrah,
      If the application is made from Spain, the authorities must respond within 20 business days (approximately one month), and the authorization is for three years. At the consulate, an entry visa is obtained, which must later be converted into a one-year residence permit once in Spain.

  6. Michael

    Hello, what is the definition of ‘digital working’. If you can do 90% of your work for a UK company through the use of a computer, with ocasional face to face meetings in Spain, would that qualify? Michael

    • Carlos

      Hello Michael,
      Your remote work situation seems completely acceptable for the digital nomad visa. In the visa processing with us, we would prepare a draft of the company authorization letter with the appropriate wording to show that you comply with the legal definition of remote work.

  7. Jonathan Dennis


    I own my own company in the UK and my partner works for the company as well. Could I apply for the DNV for both my partner and i and we have two children as well do they tag onto our application.

    if you have an information pack or something that would be great.

    • Carlos

      Dear Jonathan,
      Having control of the company can make things easier when documenting an application for residency as a remote worker (digital nomad visa). I will send an email with information on how to initiate the process.

  8. David Stephens

    Hello, are the salary requirements quoted before or after tax?

    • Nefer

      Hello David,

      It’s about gross income (before taxes). Keep in mind that the minimum interprofessional salary, which serves as a reference for the minimum income of remote workers, has just increased. Now, the minimum gross income for an individual remote worker is 2642 euros a month, and it should be adjusted upwards when family members are included.

    • Nefer

      Hello David,
      It’s about gross income before taxes. Keep in mind that the minimum interprofessional salary, which serves as a reference for the minimum income of the Digital Nomad Visa, has just increased. Now, the minimum for an individual is 2646 euros, and it should be adjusted upwards when family members are included.

  9. Olivia

    Hi, we are applying for the DNV from the UK and were hoping for the 3 yr visa but the Uk won’t grant the visa for more than 2 years. Do you have any advice on the best way to apply?
    Thank you

    • Carlos

      Hello, Olivia
      For the 3-year residency authorization as a remote worker, you need to apply directly in Spain and not at a Spanish consulate abroad. We will submit the application on your behalf while you demonstrate that you are legally in Spain as a tourist on the day of the submission of the application.

  10. Andrea

    Hi. Do I have to stay in Spain or the EU for the entire visa duration? I plan on traveling back and forth to the US and Colombia since I have clients and family in those countries, but stay most of the time in Spain.

    • Carlos

      Hello Andrea,
      With the Digital Nomad Visa, it is expected that you maintain your primary residence in Spain, but you are free to travel within the EU and outside of it.

  11. Sarah

    Hi Nefer and Carlos,
    Is a UK contract for permanent work as a remote employee enough for the application or do they require a formal letter of support written by my company?
    Thank you so much!

    • Carlos

      Hello Sarah,
      It is mandatory to provide a letter of explicit authorization to perform remote work from Spain with certain minimum content, for which we usually draft a template to be submitted for the company’s signature.

  12. Louise

    Hi could you clarify if the company I work for is in England and I am PAYE who do I pay tax to Spain or England and how does this work? Does this affect my company paying into my Pension?

    • Nefer

      Hello Louise,

      International remote workers or digital nomads are a strategic group for Spanish authorities and have a more streamlined procedure than others to obtain residency. However, concerning social security and pensions, the authorities in charge do not want to give preferential treatment to these remote workers compared to other resident workers. They are prioritizing that the remote worker pays social security in Spain. In the case of employees, this implies that the employer, who is responsible for contributing to social security in Spain, undergoes a prior process, requiring a high degree of involvement from the employer.

  13. Oghenekevwe Annoura Ukusajuya

    Hello I’m currently in Spain. I have a temporary protection residency from Portugal with a duration of 1 year. I work remotely as a UI/UX designer . I would like to know if it possible to get the digital nomad residency while I’m currently here in Spain

    • Nefer

      Hello Oghenekevwe,

      In your case, it is first necessary to determine if your residence permit in Portugal allows for stays in Spain in order to apply for authorization when you are legally present in this country and how to properly document this legal stay to the Spanish authorities.

  14. J Wilk

    Hello, I do property development in the UK and earn a profit / living from it. Am I able to continue to live on that money in Spain with a DNV?

    • Carlos

      Hello Jamie,
      The Digital Nomad Visa is granted to remote workers who can perform work for a foreign company from Spain through electronic means (internet, computer). If there are any doubts, it is necessary to describe the job and explain how it will be carried out remotely.

  15. Sanket

    Hello Nefer and Carlos,

    The company about to hire is based out in London but are looking for remote workers. In this case, hypothetically, if I am hired I get to work from Spain. Would I be able to apply for a Digital Nomad visa right away or do I have to wait 3 months before I apply for it ?

    • Nefer

      Hello Sanket,
      You need to document that you have been working for at least 3 months prior to the application. Before being hired, you should be sure to understand the Social Security requirement for this authorization to be sure to be elebible after you have worked those 3 months.

  16. Hail Khalaf

    I am a consultant for the United Nations. i hold an American passport but would like to have a base in Europe since i will need to work from home as well. my work requires a lot of travel so i will be traveling more or less 50% of the time.

    Can i still qualify for a DNV? Or do i need to be 100% based at home?


    • Carlos

      Hello Hail,
      With the Digital Nomad Visa, you can travel freely as long as you stay in Spain for at least 6 months per year. This is not easy to verify, and ultimately, what this condition refers to is that you maintain your base in Spain where you live, pay rent, and cover living expenses.

  17. Jamie Wilkinson

    Hi, could someone contact me to help with a digital nomad visa for Spain

    • Nefer

      Hello Jamie,
      We require some preliminary information regarding your work situation as a digital nomad, which you will be performing remotely from Spain. We have sent you an email.
      Thank you.

  18. Jeanne

    Is it possible to get DNV without the job offer? If not, do you help to get one?
    I studied logistics Management and have 3 years of work experience in Supply chain management.

    • Carlos

      Hello Jeanne,
      The residence authorization for remote workers or digital nomad visa is not based on a job offer but requires documentation proving that you have been employed in a job for at least 3 months prior to the application. This job must be able to be performed remotely from Spain and must be authorized by the client or employer with the appropriate documents that we help prepare. Thanks for your interest.

  19. Chrissie Watts


    My husband would like to apply for a DNV, he is a Designer and has his own business, His company can provide him with a work contract but as he owns the company would that be acceptable? Is there a “best time of year” to move to Spain from a tax perspective?

    Many thanks

    • Nefer

      Hello Chrissie,
      The situation of your husband is acceptable for the digital nomad visa, and there are several options to document it when it comes to your own company. We will send you an email to discuss them.Thanks for contacting.

  20. Alex

    Hi, you write about having sufficient financial resources as a condition. Does this only mean the minimum monthly income or is it sufficient to have a certain amount of fund on a bank account? Is there an ongoing proof needed of having a monthly minimum income? I would like to move soon, but still building up clients but I have sufficient funds overall.

    • Carlos

      The DNV is based on income from a job that can be performed from Spain and has to reach a minimum threshold. Generally, it is not based on funds or savings. Income has to be documented in a specific way determined by the regulation of the DNV. I hope this information helps you plan ahead.

  21. Alex

    Hi, you write about having sufficient financial resources as a condition. Does this only mean the minimum monthly income or is it sufficient to have a certain amount of fund on a bank account?

  22. Justin

    Hi Guys

    I’m looking into the DNV.
    My 22/23 Tax year
    Was work income £26.992
    And £5199 Profit from property
    Giving a total Taxable income of £32191
    I qualify I think with all other criteria, As I work remotely off my laptop I’m self employed finding leads to pass to 2 companies who then pay me commissions.

    • Nefer

      Hello Justin,
      With the amounts provided, you would be safe to apply for the digital nomad visa, meeting the minimum income requirement, provided that you can document them correctly. Work income is crucial, and the last three months are especially important. We can assist you in documenting your income through our visa processing service. Thank you for your interest.

  23. joanna

    Hi, i have worked for a company in england for some 18 years in my field as a ship charterer.

    I am looking at working from Spain for 6 months of the year, with my husband who is medically retired and then rturning to the UK for the other half of the year.

    I earn £3820 per month prior to tax and pay tax at 20%.

    we have no criminal records and would get the required Heath Insurance for the stay.

    Please can you advise if i would have to pay any further taxes and how much the process would be for the Visa and any other relevant translation costs would be.

    thank you Joanna

    • Nefer

      Dear Joanna,
      Your income can support an application for the Digital Nomad Visa for both you and your spouse as accompanying family members. Please note that taxes are paid in the primary residence where the majority of the year is spent, and those authorized by this visa are expected to reside mostly in Spain for the initial 3-year duration of the visa. Thank you for contacting.

  24. Gigi

    I am 70 years old and I work as an online therapeutic counsellor, registered as a sloe trader in the UK. Since my family moved to Spain, I have missed my grandchildren. Now I want to apply for a DNV to enable me to be close to my family and continue to support my clients online. Although my family is very supportive, they think I should apply for the Non-lucrative Visa. I am reluctant to do so. Is there an age limit for DNV applicants. As experts, what are your thoughts, based on your experience of my situation?

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    • Carlos

      Hello Gigi,

      The difference with the Non-work Visa is that the Digital Nomad Visa is for remote workers who can document income from work. There is no age limit; what matters is being able to document active work, earning enough, and being able to perform the work from Spain. Another difference is that the digital nomad visa can be requested while already in Spain, while the non-work visa will have to be applied for from the UK and you’ll need to remain there until it’s granted. I’ll send you an email to see if you need help documenting one of these visas.

  25. Dan

    I’m Ukrainian and have the respective temporary protection visa in Spain. It’s valid until 03.2025. I’m working remotely. Whether it possible to apply for DNV right now? May it get refusal from the state authorization body of Spain until the temporary protection visa will end?

    • Nefer

      Hello Dan,
      For the 3-year authorization as a remote worker, you can apply from Spain at any time, as long as you can show that you are legally staying in Spain. Your current temporary protection visa can be used to demonstrate your legal status in the country. Thank you for your interest.

  26. Robin

    Hi Nefer, I’m really interested in the Nomad Digital Visa but wanted to understand if that would work for UK IT contractors that are employed through a third party agency (what the call an umbrella arrangement or Personal Services Company). It’s a bit more complicated than being employed directly by the client but essentially still employed and paying tax. Would I benefit from from the tax incentive by paying tax in Spain?
    BTW how much are your fees?

    • Carlos

      Hello Robin,
      The legal requirements for the digital nomad visa have not been designed with a situation like the one you describe in mind. We would need to analyze the documents you have available to determine if they can be adapted to meet the required documentation.

  27. Imran Kassam

    Would I be able to obtain a DNV if I am a Director of a UK Property Development/Property Management/Lettings company that I can remotely work for from Spain?

    • Carlos

      Hello Imran,
      It’s possible to obtain the DNV permit when working in real estate by taking some precautions. It’s advisable that when documenting work to be done remotely from Spain, services related to real estate are described in the documents detailing how these services are carried out remotely through digital means. We prepare drafts of such documents in visa processing. Thank you for your interest.

  28. neil white

    Hi, If I understand correctly you have to have a place of residence arranged before you apply for the visa? Seems a bit cart before the horse……

    • Carlos

      Thank you for your message, Neil. Actually, a permanent place of residence is not required for the visa application. You only need to provide a temporary address, which can be arranged more easily. I hope this clarifies that part of the process!

  29. neil white

    what is the average cost of your services?

  30. Danielle

    Hi, I am looking to apply for a DNV in August while in Spain, I believe I meet the work and salary criteria and I am aware that I will need personal medical insurance and also have a rough idea about paying taxes in Spain. However can please tell me about my employer paying social security, as on all the criteria lists I have found during my research on DNV I cannot see this mentioned but I have seen it mentioned on this comments page, please can you clarify. I am a uk citizen and have been authorised by my employer to work remotely. Thanks in advance

    • Carlos

      Hello Danielle,
      The social security requirement must be properly managed for this visa, especially for applications as employees. It should be clearly documented, via a certificate or a representative, where the employer will contribute to the pensions for the remote worker. Additionally, it must be formally declared by the employer. Health care contributions should also be clarified, specifying whether the contributions will be made to a public system or an alternative private insurance.

  31. Kris

    I have been working for a US company through an agency in Netherlands for 2 years. THe US Company im working for is allowing me to work from Spain. Can i apply for DNV then setup a freelance comapny in spain?

    • Carlos

      Hello Kris,
      In Spain, it is not necessary to register a company to be a freelancer; it is enough to register as self-employed or an independent contractor once you have a residence permit. In fact, the most direct way to obtain authorization as a remote worker is as a freelancer for non-Spanish clients. We will send you an email with some more info.

  32. Nikita Harrison

    I am exploring the Digital Nomad Visa and just need to find out more about what a UK based company would have to do in the case of an employee on this Visa living in Spain for more than 183 days of the year in relation to taxes or company presence? Like would they have to set up a permenant presence in the country.

    • Carlos

      If your employer is based in the UK and you are working remotely for them, you can obtain a coverage certificate for your residence permit. Additionally, you will need a statement from your employer. This arrangement ensures that they will continue to contribute to UK social security as they do currently.
      Thanks for your interest

  33. carl

    Hola, teletrabajo y estoy de turista en españa, mi retorno a LATAM es el 30 de Agosto. puedo solicitar ésta visa cuando vuelva en Diciembre de éste año ? ó por haber estado éste verano aqui en españa me daría algún impedimento ?

    • Carlos

      Hola Carl,
      Si a tu regreso en diciembre puedes documentar que te encuentras legalmente en España, podrás solicitar la autorización de residencia.
      Un saludo

  34. Tony

    I currently live in Marseille, France, and hold a resident permit (not a Schengen tourist visa). Can I fly to Barcelona to apply for the DNV?

    • Carlos

      Dear Tony,
      This residence permit is requested by documenting that you are legally in Spain, which can be as a tourist or with another type of visa. You need to make sure that your visa allows you to be in Spain in the moment of the application. Thanks for your interest.


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